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Intern Credential

Program Description 

The Intern Credential can be thought of as preliminary authorization issued to individuals who are hired as administrators before they have completed the ASC Prelim. training. Interns work as administrators while completing their university-approved training. An intern can apply to the program whenever they are appointed to an administrative position.

Course Work

Interns take the same courses as students enrolled in the Preliminary program. Fieldwork supervision starts as soon as an intern is admitted. The course sequence may be a little different for interns who begin their program in the Spring semester. Interns receive more intensive field study supervision.

Admission Process 

The admissions process is the same for Interns except that interns may apply for the program beyond the established deadline for Fall admission. Interns may also be admitted for the Spring semester if their appointment to an administrative position is made after the start of the Fall semester. For example, if you are appointed by your district to an administrative position in October, you may begin the program in the Spring semester. The Credentials Office will help students complete the necessary paperwork to file for an Intern Credential once an administrative appointment is made.